If only I could work in an environment like this

http://joelonsoftware.com/articles/BionicOffice.html Here’s a guy who gets it regarding office space for software developers. But you kind of figured that, didn’t you? I mean, it’s Joel Spolsky. I used to work for a startup that had an open office space for eXtreme programming (specifically pair programming), and I just loved working in that environment. It was

The WPF developer’s toolbelt

This is a collection of tools that should be in every WPF developer’s toolbelt, if you ask me: XAMLPad (from the Windows SDK [Full ISO|Express Web Download])Snoop (from Pete Blois)Perforator (from the Windows SDK) (Don’t forget to turn on the required debugging setting in the registry – mentioned in the article)CLR Profiler.Net Reflector (from Lutz Roeder)

Plugging CSA’s

“What the heck is CSA?”, I hear you cry. CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture, and it’s the wave of the future in food as far as I’m concerned. Okay, maybe that’s putting it a bit strongly, but if you care about your local environment and like to eat fresh, organically grown produce, hear this